Good vibrations at the Lynx Technology & Speaker seminar held in Beijing (China)

Good vibrations at the Lynx Technology & Speaker seminar held in Beijing (China)

On last October 20 Lynx Pro Audio’s distributor in China (Beijing Xiya Linke Trade Company) prepared the first “Lynx Technology & Speaker Audition” seminar in Beijing. Ben Sinclair (sales manager) and Jesus Fuentes (product manager) took a plane to China and gone to “the Northern capital” to be there with the guests and make the Lynx technical presentation.


Mr. Sun Penghui, General Manager of Xiya Linke, opened the speech introducing Lynx Pro Audio to the audience. Then Ben and Jesus explained in deph serie by serie giving complete technical details to all the industry experts who attended to this special seminar.



The Lynx Audition was divided in two parts (indoor + outdoor) so all the guests were able to appreciate the superior performance of the systems. LX series line array speakers, CXA series of constant curvature array, ADP active series and IONIC cylindrical array speakers were fully tested. From small install systems to big line arrays.



Lynx Pro Audio product line is very wide, including speakers, digital processors and power amplifiers. Every install project or mobile event has a Lynx solution. With this audition in Beijing XiYa Linke introduced the Lynx sound to many experts.



For the audition of the biggest system Xiya Linke prepared an outdoor space with a LX-V12 line array . This system was composed by eight LX-V12 (dual 12” three-way array speakers) and four LX-318C (three 18” cardioid subwoofer). V12 maximum sound pressure level up to 143dB, LX-318C built-in 4200W Class D power amplifier. Adequate power reserves ensure a very low sound distortion at high input and high damping. This line array meets the outdoor large-scale performances, stadiums, large disco halls and also indoor concerts.

Lynx seminar in indonesia

Lynx seminar in indonesia

Lynx Pro Audio have carried out two seminars in Indonesia with Melodia, our distributor for the region. The first seminar was held in Surabaya on Tuesday 9th September followed by a second in Bali on Thursday 11th September.


Indonesia Seminar



It was a great opportunity for us to be able to present our products, both through a company presentation and through a series of demos. Products demoed included the LX-V12 line array, ADP series and GR series cabinets.





The event was attended by professionals from the Indonesian sector and we would like to thank everyone who came for their time and for all their positive comments.

Lynx Pro Audio sound engineer training

Lynx Pro Audio sound engineer training

Millenia used a LX-V8 line array for the training with which the students were able to practice and carry out demonstrations and configurations.



The course ran for 5 days with 40 hours and also involved them being able to learn using other Lynx cabinets such as the self powered GR-12, ADP-15 and GR-18S.




Lynx Pro Audio supports live sound training.

Lynx Technical Seminar in Hanoi

Lynx Technical Seminar in Hanoi

DHT, Lynx Pro Audio’s distributor for Vietnam, held a technical seminar at the company head quarters in Hanoi. introducing Lynx to the Vietnamese market.

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A deal had been previously reached with DHT making them the exclusive distributor for Vietnam.



Lynx Pro Audio’s Ben Sinclair and Jesus Fuentes went to the seminar to present the product portfolio, softwares etc and followed through with a demostration of a selection of Lynx pro audio cabinets, also held at the head-office of DHT. The LX-V8 system was demoed and the reaction was very positive.




 DHT’s Dong Le commented:

“We are very pleased to be representing Lynx in Vietnam. The quality of the product is first class and so is the sound. We look forward to introducing this excellent product to more and more Pro audio users”.
Lynx Open days in Germany

Lynx Open days in Germany

Pan Music, Lynx Pro Audio’s exclusive distributor for Germany held open days at the company’s head quarters in Lohne, Germany on 9th & 10th January.


The German distributor had a series of seminars for the complete 2 days and also exhibited almost every single product from the Lynx Pro Audio Portfolio. An LX-F6 array was used for the duration of the open days in the seminar rooms and an LX-V12 and LX-V8 line array were also on display.


The German company unveiled the LX-318HC cardioid to its customers as well as various new ADP series cabinets.

The open days were very successful and visitors not only got to see the high quality of Lynx Pro Audio finishing but were also invited to listen to the equipment.
