
The GTX, XT, MH, SBA, TS and RS amplifiers from Lynx Pro Audio are engineered to deliver outstanding performance in demanding professional audio environments. Featuring advanced Class D and Class H topologies, they ensure high energy efficiency and precise power delivery, while maintaining low harmonic distortion and an extended frequency response. Their compact yet rugged design guarantees reliable performance even under extreme conditions, with intelligent protection systems safeguarding against overloads and overheating. Ideal for live sound reinforcement, fixed installations, and large-scale projects, these amplifiers provide continuous power and exceptional sound quality, meeting the needs of the most discerning professionals.

Touring amps



High Power

Installation market

2 & 4 Channel

If you have any inquiries, feel free to get in touch with us.

Download our Expert Guide:

How to Position Your Subwoofers for Maximum Performance

In this comprehensive free guide, you will learn:

✓ How to Avoid Lobes of Pressure & Corridors of Unwanted Cancellations

✓ Benefits of In-Line and Arch Arrangements

✓ Full technical details and formulas to help you make the right choice for every situation

Download our Expert Guide:
How to Position Your Subwoofers for Maximum Performance

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Descarga nuestra Guía para expertos:
Cómo posicionar tus subgraves para conseguir los mejores resultados

Descarga nuestra Guía para expertos:

Cómo posicionar tus subgraves para conseguir los mejores resultados

Con esta sencilla Guía gratuita aprenderás lo siguiente:

✓ Cómo evitar lóbulos de presión y efectos pasillo con cancelaciones no deseadas

✓ Ventajas de las configuraciones en línea y el arco electrónico

✓ Detalles técnicos y fórmulas que te ayudarán a elegir la mejor opción en cada evento

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