Touring and theatres



Active line arrays and line source systems, cardioid sub units, stage monitors and other flexible cabinets to be used on stage


Coaxial line source Line Array

CPS-214 coaxial point source fuente puntual coaxial 2x14

 Coaxial point source systems

New compact line array 

Multipurpose cabinets & compact line array

Line source system

Featured references

180.000 W of Lynx Pro Audio at Marenostrum Xperience Festival

Marenostrum Xperience festival was held in Valencia this July 8th and 9th and has become regarded as one of the best electronic music festivals in Spain…

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Famous Indonesian group ‘Sheila on 7’ on GXR series

Last 14th of October the famous band Sheila on 7 performed at Jatim Fair 2018 in Surabaya, Indonesia. The main stage was equipped with… 

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Strandfieber Festival, an electro festival in Germany

The Strandfieber Festival a big electro festival held in Goldenstedt (Germany) organized by Multimedia M&E GmbH. For the summer 2017 edition…

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Shanghai Oriental Sports Center

The 2019 Super Penguin Celebrity Game has been successfully held in Shanghai by Tencent Sports, one of the most powerful live-streaming sports platforms in China…

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